

About Tsugihagi

“Tsugihagi” is an e-commerce site run by SEIKO Co.,Ltd. Since it opened in 2012, as a shopping site, we have carried furniture, tableware, apparel products, etc.
“Tsugihagi” means to be borderless or to be uncategorized.
We have discovered products from both inside and outside Japan, gathered them “borderlessly” without categorizing them, simply to introduce those treasures that we love from the bottom of our heat.
In 2016, in order for us to introduce our ideas and the view of the world we suggests more clearly, we launched a revamped site focusing only on apparel products on the e-commerce site.
Our actual store which will open in near future will carry apparel products and much more, so please don’t miss it!



About Udoku

Udoku is an original apparel label SEIKO Co.,Ltd offers.
Udoku comes from a Japanese phrase “Seiko-Udoku” meaning “cultivate a filed on a sunny day and read a book in a house on a rainy day”. It represents to live a quiet rural life leaving an urban hustle behind. We named the brand Udoku followed by our company name “Seiko”.
Regardless of the time and country, we go search fabrics which strike a deep chord in our heart. Our goal is to offer products on which stories or a background of fabrics are reflected.
For items made of Japanese antique fabrics, we use ones from those days, not replicas. Sewing is done domestically. The whole sewing process for each item is conducted by one person, by hand, not in an assembly line in a factory.
Because of availabilities of fabrics, majority of the items are one-of -a-kind or limited in quantity. This is totally opposite from the popular fast fashion introducing mass-production and mass-consumption.
We truly believe you will find your “only one”.